Commercial Rehab Loans

Commercial Rehab Loans

  • Hard money lender in specializes in commercial rehab loans.
  • The lenders are perfectly experienced, flexible, and efficient financial resource with huge database.
  • he lenders who are involved in commercial rehab loans are one of Atlanta’s leading firm and offers loan for various purposes comprising of loan for acquisition, construction, development and land.
  • They have much tier system in capital schemes like two tiers, three tiers with a huge commercial real-estate loan to meet the needs and goals of our borrowers in .
  • The competitors are set aside due to the scheme system of rehab loans, which closes the equity based rehab loans with speed & efficiency.
  • The commercial rehab loan lenders have the capacity of $100 million along with creative financing.
  • The deals are closed in 10 days.
  • The lenders use the loan of real estate investment and use it as collateral to acquire loans.
  • Due to this specialized section in the market, the rehab loans are at an edge compared to others.
  • Rehab commercial loans provide a very personalized form of service.
  • Hard money commercial loans are fast and easy to acquire due to commercial rehab loans.
  • The areas where commercial rehab loans are most taken in are as follows; purchase dep’t. refinance, rehabilitation, construction, bridge, mezzanine, equity, hard money, SBA 7(a), SBA 504, USDA, B & I, rural programs available, commercial real estate (CRE) loans nationwide from $200,000 and up are some of the areas, where commercial rehab loans are offered, Construction loans starting at $4 million.